ANATOMY OF EVIL (2015) Streaming

ANATOMY OF EVIL Streaming italia film


Qualità: HD/Sub ITA
Durata: 116.min
Genere: Azione Thriller Film Sub ITA
Attori: Adam Patejuk, Aldona Góralska, Alicja Drzewiecka, Andrzej Konopka, Andrzej Seweryn, Anna Dereszowska, Anna Grabowska, Artur Krajewski, Elżbieta Jarosik, Eric Stępniewski, Ewa Kolasińska, Farnaz Hosseini, Halina Bednarz, Hubert Koprowicz, Karolina Bąkała, Katarzyna Kwiatkowska, Katarzyna Śmiechowicz, Krzysztof Czeczot, Krzysztof Dutkiewicz, Krzysztof Pyziak, Krzysztof Stroiński, Leszek Zduń, Ludek Drizhal, Łukasz Simlat, Maciej Wojdyła, Magdalena Kuta, Magdalena Nieć, Marcel Groblewski, Marcin Kowalczyk, Marcin Perchuć, Michalina Olszańska, Michał Krzysztofiak, Piotr Kaczyński, Piotr Miazga, Piotr Nowak, Przemysław Redkowski, Robert Ostolski, Roman Barański, Spencer Gibb, Tomasz Federczyk

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Ove Nyholm's sombre, feature-length documentary about death squads during World War II and the 1990s Balkan War. Nyholm interviews perpetrators from both conflicts in an attempt to discover what enables ordinary people to commit atrocities. These men discuss their crimes with little emotion or guilt. Many say that after the first killing, it became easy. Time and again, they present the same defence: it was us or them. At the end of the documentary, Nyholm questions his long-cherished belief that he would not act in the same way. It is a difficult and brave admission, but a vital one. It is too easy to dismiss these people as inhuman monsters; far harder to acknowledge the human capacity for cruelty...